Wednesday, 16 January 2013

The halcyon days of my youth.

Walking around today started me thinking about my youth, when I would have enjoyed rather than endured the recent fall of snow.  Growing up in the London Borough of Barking things were very different to how they are now.  Every street had a street-sweeper, a man that pushed a trolley that had two bins on it, various brushes and a shovel, and picked up the detritus and carted it away in the trolley. In the winter, particularly when there was show and ice on the ground, the bins for rubbish were replaced of bins with grit, which would be spread on the pavements.  Now, I am not saying that everything in the garden of the past is rosy, life expectancy was lower than it is today, cigarette smoking was tolerated, and long distance communications were very poor.
Today, the council has a legal responsibility to put ramps for wheelchairs which now act like mini ski-slopes for anyone a bit 'wobbly' on their pins.  So not every advance made in modern days is advantageous, and not everything in the past was brilliant, but I have to tell you that my Mum did  make the best apple crumble and baked rice pudding, in the world.

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