Here in Hull, there is a Studio School opening. As far as I understand it, these schools will operate on a more work-based footing, while still delivering education and preparing the students for the world of work. The way that they do that is to have the students work on projects that have relevance to the real world and teach them their English, Maths and Science, etc. through the vehicle of their projects. Studio Schools have established in other places in the U.K. and have their own web-site where staff upload resources for others to share. Sounds wonderful, doesn't it? There is a down side. The students in Years 10 and 11 have to complete 3 projects in each year, and they last for 17 weeks. That means they will have to attend for 51 weeks of the 52 week year. According to the Principle, they will be 'flexible' on how that works, following the lead from other studio schools. The students will also have longer days to work, from 8 a.m to 5 p.m. again to mimic the work-place. Students will be a allowed to go on family holidays, by arrangement with the school, and the longer time that the students stay at school mean that the families do not have child-care problems that parent of student in 'normal schools' have.
If these schools are designed to promote the work-place as the destination for these young people, does that not fly in the face of the stated aim of the last Government that 50% of young people should go to University. If studio schools adapt students to the work-place, what is the purpose of the other schools in the country? I am not sure of the political support that these schools get, is this not a step backwards where kids left school at 14 and started out as office juniors or apprentices in the work place, and only the very talented went to do 'A' levels and go on to University.
Britain has to decide what sort of Education system is needed, and then go for it. I do not mean that the politicians are the only ones to decide, but everyone!
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