Thursday 18 July 2013

I am confused..................

I would like to ask, with all the "new initiatives" and cash thrown at Education over the many years since OFSTED ,  why are there still kids that leave school hardly able to read and write?
I would also like to ask, what makes you think that "league tables" are the way to improve schools' performance?  Just because schools get '98% A* to C' does that mean that schools are turning out well-balanced, polite, graduates, able to think for themselves? 
Several years ago, more years than I care to remember, I started a P.G.C.E. to become a Secondary Science Teacher.  As part of the course, we had to pass a Literacy, Numeracy and I.T. Proficiency test.  As one of the Lecturers said, "You all have English and Maths qualifications.  If they do not prove that you are literate and numerate, then perhaps they should fix the English and Maths qualifications rather than make you do these tests."
Personally, my view is that Education is not fit for purpose.  Does the honourable Michael Gove, Minister of State for Education seriously think that turning back the clock and making Education the image of the Education he experienced, will fix all of the problems?
Only time will tell.
Perhaps we should take education out of the political arena all together and stop it being used as a political football?