Well, what a surprise! Donald Trump has totally missed the point in his latest outburst. He said, and I paraphrase, that "Ukraine could have stopped the war at any time." REALLY? However, Donald did not give any hint how Ukraine could stop the war. My fear when I heard that Donald Trump would be talking to Putin is that together they will "stitch up" Ukraine and Putin will get what he wants.
Putin is suggesting that Ukraine should have an election before the Peace Treaty is signed. Ooh? I wonder why he said that? Is it because he has never interfered with an election ever? And he will see this as a chance for the Ukrainians to vote for someone that supports Putin?
The one thing that Donald Trump has done is to bring the Russians from out of the cold. The Russians are now seen as equal partners to the U.S. This is not a good thing.
Many people in the media have been saying that there will be a change in the world order and that imperialists will divide the world up into parts and each will be run by a strong leader. That scenario is sure to bring about a series of wars from time to time as one imperialist will want to take over and imperialists area because there are minerals present, there is copious water supplies or whatever.
There is a Chinese curse which is, "May you live in interesting times." It looks like we are entering the most interesting times of the world. I am quite grateful that I am nearer the end of my life rather than the beginning