The U.K. National Lottery (N.L.)have recently announced a 100% increase in the price of their tickets from £1 to £2. This has handed it's competitor, The Health Lottery, (H.L.) a new advertising campaign. The H.L. is now crowing about the fact that it still only costs £1. Many people with a spare quid in their pockets will be tempted to play the H.L rather than the N.L. This was a serious mis-calculation on the part of the N.L.
The reason given for the price hike is that it is struggling to support the charitable causes that it supports. My answer to this is to pay the shareholders less! Also, the H.L. supports various Health charities up and down the country. Given the parlous state of the N.H.S. who wouldn't want to support the N.H.S.?
This is a major P.R. disaster!