Tuesday 30 September 2014

Hull City and East Riding

Today, there was the the result of the ballot, in the East Riding of Yorkshire, about Hull City and East Riding joining together for the benefit for all.  Now anyone who lives in the area will be well versed in the animosity between Hull City and East Riding.  There is some historical reason involving water rights and such like.  The point I would like to make is that it is a pity that people could not see the advantages for Hull City and East Riding joining together.
For example, supposing that the Government gave Hull City £10 and East Riding £10.  The two areas would have been treated equally, which is fair. They can both spend their £10 on whatever they wanted to.  However, suppose that it cost £10.99 to bring a large factory to the area that would provide jobs for thousands of people.  Neither of the councils would be able to do it, and as a consequence, the people of Hull City AND the East Riding would lose out, because of stupidity.
So East Riding, all that would need to happen is the Boundary Commission to propose a unitary authority to cover the region currently covered by Hull City and the East Riding of Yorkshire, and where would that leave you?

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